About the Journal

SAGACITY : Journal of Theology and Christian Education is published by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jemaat Kristus Indonesia and Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Sangkakala Salatiga with E-ISSN 2746-8550 The purpose of this publishing is to exhibite the academical research publications from students and lecturers in the field of theology and Christian Education.

SAGACITY receive research writing from varied fields of Christian Theology and Christian Education in practices such as  Christian philosophy, humanism, missiology, local wisdom, indigenous Christian education and applied theology. The articles that submitted are the new articles that has never been published in any other journals.  The articles should follow the format and template that has been decided by STT Sangkakala and STT Jemat Kristus Indonesia. The editors have rights to refuse articles that inappropriate with the conditions and terms agreed. The writing that suitable and accepted, will be reviewed by the reviewers before it published.


Sagacity is the capacity for astute or sound judgment. Because the adjective practical is often used to qualify wisdom, it is easily assumed that thinking and good judgment are different, even antithetical in relation to wisdom. Yet this assumption would scuttle the wisdom of astute or sound judgment within life. Sagacity is possible because we can think. Thinking is the impetus to engage human existence with honest intelligence as a fulcrum by which we undertake numerous activities with creativity, purpose and integrity. Without such leverage, we could only make arbitrary decisions based on momentary impulses and reactions; our activities, as to whether these are worthwhile or have enduring outcomes, would be uncertain or capricious. Sagacity is astute engagement with human existence that can both test ideas through purposeful activity and modify previous propensities through thoughtful reflection.

Sagacity is genuinely philosophical in seeking to be wise in engaging issues that affect life daily, within shared perceptions and difficult differences as to variegated views reflecting human aspirations and valuations. If Christian faith, education and praxis are to speak into human experience concerning integral life, it is imperative to become familiar with how human aspirations and valuations relating to freedom, ethics, identity and society have been formed, weighed, interpreted and expressed, even though these activities vary between cultures and invariably change from one generation to another. Philosophy is literally love of wisdom and so also love of sagacity. Sagacity is most relevant to and contiguous with positive Christian presence and expression amid human wrestling in contextual and practical ways with perennial ambiguities of existence.

SAGACITY is published twice in a year, on June and December. This Journal is indexed by:

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  2. Garuda
  3. CiteFactor
  4. Indonesia One Search

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): JUNI 2024


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